Thursday, March 19, 2015

How To Make Website Friendly And Responsive To Search Engines?

Make Website Friendly And Responsive To Search Engines
In the online world, many businesses have been able to establish their supremacy while many others have failed to even register their existence.

it is important for a business to realize that emphasis of its name on its website’s home page is of no use unless it describes what it does. This is because unless the brand name is something like Microsoft, Adobe or Wal-Mart that customers right away associate with a certain product or service, customers and search engines would not be finding it.

Sufficient evidence was revealed in a recent study that almost 80 percent of the Internet visitors searched for what a business does and not for its name. This also means that a website with irrelevant name is vulnerable to getting lost out when potential customers search on the web directories. After all getting close to good listings is not a bonus anymore; it has become a necessity for businesses that are serious about attaining rewarding business online.

However, an online business can put all doubts about its existence and success to rest before all and itself by finding and implementing search engine friendly marketing ways. These ways may include using keywords that match what users are typing apart from putting keywords into title tags, first part of web site, and web page body. This is what smart online presence is all about!

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